
June 5, 2009

omg u literally sound like an idiot!

We here at the Puggling team have noticed that there is an assault on grammar.  Now, normally, we don't have a great love of Big Grammar, but sometimes people go too far.  In recent years, there as been a steady movement to use the word "literally" in a vastly wrong context and definition.  If you don't know what we're talking about, you might be part of the problem.  Some examples:
  1. I literally just died!  No, you didn't.
  2. He literally punched his face in!  Possible, but highly unlikely unless the "he" you are talking about is in a full blown roid rage.
  3. I'm about to literally dive into a bag of Oreos.  Now that's just unnecessary. 
  4. My head literally exploded!  I hate you.
 What is happening here is people are using "literally" when they mean to use "I'm an idiot" "figuratively."  Nobody likes an over-exaggerator.  Now, there are some simple ways to remember when it is acceptable to use "literally."  First, did it actually happen?  If you actually died and are currently speaking with St. Peter, Elvis, or Ghandi, then go ahead, literally is your choice.  If not, you can simply say "I just about died," but fair warning you will sound like Blanche from the Golden Girls.  Second, are you using "literally" for emphasis?  If so, don't.  Third, in the sentence can you replace "literally" with "figuratively"?  Ok, so this one wasn't a way to remember how to use "literally," it was a request.  Fourth, if these guidelines are too much for you, avoid social situations and thus remove the temptation to literally make an error.  (See, it's not so hard!)

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