
June 24, 2009

Iran Protests: What Do You Love About Your Police State?

While admitting (and then denying) election fraud has quickly become passé, crackdowns, beatdowns, and shutdowns are the new rage in Iran.  Today protests were stopped by masses of riot police and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has stated that Iran will not yield to the pressures of the protests.  All this got us at Puggling wondering just what are the best things about living in a police state?

  1. Worry about going out at night?  Don't!  You won't be allowed out so it's not even an option!
  2. Having trouble finding the right words to express your opinion?  Fear not!  Opinions will be severely limited and yours will become the official opinion, or else!
  3. Is there never a cop around when you need one?  Now they're everywhere and come in multiple flavors!  You can have uniformed, plainclothes and secret!
  4. Do you hate going to the dentist?  Express your opinion or go out at night and you'll never have to again!
  5. Like to travel?  Free trips to the Gulag or Gulag equivalent!
  6. Think you look good in black?  Sign up to become an enforcer of the regime!
  7. Does food have too much "flavor" for you?  All the gruel you can eat (unless you've reached your ration)!
  8. Want to beat a hippy?  Go right ahead, they're dirty and probably won't be missed.
But what about the down side? Your country is repressive and cruel.  Your leader is the best!  But those outside influences are always looking to destabilize your country!  They routinely send masked villians to disrupt your orderly lives.  Also, they like to tempt you with freedoms, or income.  But don't let them!  Police states are the best!

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