
June 22, 2009

Iran Election: They Admitted It!?!?!

In a flash of stupidity, the Iranian Guardian Council stated that more people voted than were eligible in at least 50 regions.  However they claim that the discrepancy is not enough to affect the outcome of the election, but admitting that there were shenanigans in the election will likely not placate the protesters.  Too many votes were cast?  Apparently the voting in Iran is run by this guy →.  The Iranian regime could at least have stuck to its story.  There are middle school cheating rings with greater message discipline. 

Vote rigging is nothing new in the world.  Saddam Hussein routinely won 99.9% of the vote in his "elections," but we at Puggling thought that the Iranian regime was smarter than to blatantly rig election totals.   Ayatollah Khamenei claimed that proof he couldn't have rigged the vote because Ahmadinejad won by 11 million votes and it is impossible to manipulate that many votes.  When all you have to do is declare the number of votes, anyone can do just that.  "Carrot Top won the Iranian election over Perez Hilton by 22 million votes."  Bam!  That just happened.  Puggling just changed the vote totals in the Iran election.  See how easy that was?

Pretty much the only non-religious right that Iranians enjoy is this small matter of voting for a president.  In a Newsweek article by Fareed Zakaria, he asserts that what is happening now is the end of legitimacy for the current Iranian regime.  By now, many Iranians can surely call BS on their "rule by Supreme Jurist."  Screwing with the election?  Now that's just plain mean.  The regime allows each of the presidential candidates to even run.  Everyone was supposedly approved by the regime.  So you like Ahmadinejad better?  Screwing with the people's vote and then admitting it can only end in tears (and tear gas).  Worst.  Cover-up.  Ever.

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