
May 15, 2009

Nancy Pelosi and CIA Briefings, the Non-Issue Issue

What is the issue with if or when Nancy Pelosi knew about CIA torture methods?  As far as the big picture, in the words of The Rock, it doesn't matter.  She wouldn't have been the only one who would have been briefed.  Both Republicans and Democrats would be affected since Ms. Pelosi wasn't the only person in Congress that day. 

But let us assume that the CIA gave Nancy Pelosi a full briefing in 2002 on exactly what the program entailed.  Should she be accountable for what happened?  Some punishment should probably befall her if she knew torture was going on.  But wait, this concedes the point that waterboarding and the CIA interrogations were torture.  Then Nancy Pelosi wouldn't be the only person in trouble.  This would be massive.  From the people actually conducting the interrogations/torture, to their superiors who ordered it to the lawyers who condoned it.  Everything and everyone who were connected to these interrogations.  Former V.P. Dick Cheney has even implicated that President Bush knew about everything that was going on and signed off on this program. 

So, really, is proclaiming that Nancy Pelosi knew about the torture a good strategy?  No.  It's like saying "yeah, I punched an old woman in the face, but Nancy Pelosi knew about it!"  It doesn't change the fact that you punched an old woman in the face. 

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