
April 28, 2009

Cuba: Where GM Automobiles are Still the Only Game in Town

While many things are going on in the world today, from Pakistan circling the drain to Swine Flu, the Obama administration is preparing for informal talks with the Cuban government according to an article in the New York Times.  While Cuba has a history of stopping the conversation before substantive talks, preparations for talks is a sensible thing to do.  Both of the Castro brothers are getting elderly and they will not be around forever.  A thaw in the relations between the countries would be beneficial to all.  A new market would be available for American goods and for Cuba, a new promise of economic prosperity.

While many Cuban Americans oppose improved relations with the two countries, the trade embargo, in place for 47 years, has not worked.  Castro & Co. are still in business and until they die, show no signs of letting go.  As with the Soviet Union, if there is an easing in economic restrictions & social freedoms (See: Perestroika & Glasnost) there will be severe issues with maintaining control over the population.  Which is probably why Castro (Raul and Fidel) have resisted change.

This is an application of what has been dubbed the Obama Doctrine which invovles listening and opening dialogs with other nations in an effort to use "smart power" which is both diplomatic efforts combined with military pressure.  In other words - speak primarily, but remember you still have a stick. 

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