
September 11, 2009

Consider This an Invitation to My Gangsta Nation...

After a long hiatus, Puggling is back!  A lot has changed in the world since we last were here.  There were some good times.  Afghanistan had it's first real election.  It also had it's first real epidemic of voter fraud too!  It's like a whole nation made up of Chicago!  During the August recess of Congress, people went apeshit over health care reform and we all learned that bacon was bad good for us.  But now we're back and ready to bring the fire!
Crazy Thing #1:  Colombia has a hippo problem?!?!  In a weird turn of events, Colombia is dealing with a large infestation of the cute looking, but aggressive animals.  How, you are wondering, did hippos make it to Colombia?  Drugs.  Well, drug money.  Famed drug cartel macho man, Pablo Escobar, imported them and well, much like the pythons in Florida wetlands or the alligators in New York sewers, they escaped/were set free/were flushed and pulled a Jurassic Park and thrived.  So now, basically you have to worry about the FARC, kidnappings, drug cartels, extra strength coffee and now hippos.  Colombia likes to keep you on your toes.

Crazy Thing #2Glenn Beck still has a job.  During our hiatus, Beck decided to call President Obama a racist on air.  Normally something like this would shock the media world, but not really for Beck.  After routinely crying on air and letting his paranoia shine through, what can you expect?  We here at Puggling expect Glenn to wear a tin foil hat soon.

Crazy Thing #3:  Representative Joe Wilson heckled the President during a speech to a joint session of Congress.  Usually the only outbursts in a joint session of Congress are scripted and only entail furious clapping, not unlike a golf tournament.  However, we can see the evolution of what is going to happen:

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