
June 6, 2011

Sarah Palin's Paul Revere: Batshit Crazy

Over the weekend, our favorite half governor Sarah Palin severely botched the story of Paul Revere's Midnight Ride.   She didn't get the actual story or even the poem's story right.  Here is what she said, verbatim:
He who warned the British that they weren't going to be taking away our arms by ringing those bells and making sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free.
The only things she got right were: 1.  There was a man named Paul Revere.  2.  There was a horse involved.  According to her, Paul Revere basically did a Revolutionary War style drive by on New England.  He went all Yosemite Sam on a sleeping populace and oh by the way, warned the wrong side

Pictured: Paul "Benedict Arnold" Revere
Now, technically they were ALL British at that time, but that's giving her way too much credit considering she thinks the Revolutionary War was about gun control and security.  There were no efforts to put bans on assault rifles and your average hand gun was the size of loaf of bread.  As far as security, the British military was the baddest force on the planet at that point in time.  9/11 wasn't going to happen for another 225 years.  People's biggest security problem was bad drinking water.

Loading a previous save wasn't invented until 1847.
 All this came from a "gotcha question" which was something to the effect of "what have you seen today and where are you headed?"  But don't fret, in true Palin fashion, she has already insisted that she was right

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