
July 13, 2009

You Leave for Two Weeks and So Much Happens....

First, before Puggling went on vacation Michael Jackson died and then while we were mourning our loss, Sarah Palin up and resigns from her post as governor of Alaska.  She must have been a personal friend of MJ and is now using this time to reflect on life and loss.

We here are not interested in necessarily what Ms. Palin's motives were, however we are more interested in what this means to the 2012 Presidential race.  While according to a Gallup poll, a good many Americans still see a political future for her.  However, the ethics complaints, the spat with David Letterman (while it appeared at the time that he lost this battle, he may have won the war) and the Baby Daddy drama with Levi Johnston have taken away from her appearance as a serious political entity. 

Does this leave many options for the Republicans in 2012?  With Palin (in theory) out of the running, Mitt Romney is the likely frontrunner, but also people such as Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota or Newt Gingrich are floating around out there.  We here at Puggling will be interested to see just how Sarah Palin's resignation affects her fundraising for SarahPAC.  Expect a nosedive.

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