
May 31, 2011

The Republican 2012 Primary: Rag Tag Bunch of Misfits.

With recent news of Indiana governor Mitch Daniels deciding not to run for president, the potential Republican field of candidates for 2012 is an interesting bunch.  Most of the potential candidates have not officially declared that they are running (Newt Gingrich, Tim Pawlenty, Ron Paul and Herman Cain are the biggest names that have offically declared).  Running for president requires drinking a potion of ambition, hubris, narcicism and just a dash of wanting what's best for the country.
Side effects: Ignoring your own crippling lack of likeability & dry mouth.
Since most of these people believe that they can win the nomination of their party, they also believe they can beat Barack Obama.  I'm here to bring them down to earth and remind them of why they are unelectable.

  • Newt Gingrich:  Former Speaker of the House from Georgia.
    • Excused his affair with his now wife on 'pressure' while applying for the most pressure filled job in the world.
    • Reportedly told his first wife he wanted a divorce while she was in the hospital.
  • Tim Pawlenty: Former governor of Minnesota.
    • Who?
    • He is really, really boring.  Like Ben Stein boring.
  • Ron Paul:  Representative from Texas
    • He's old.
    • Actually has "ideas" and "ideals."  Both of which do not mix with politics.
  • Herman Cain:  Former CEO of Godfather's Pizza.
    • A black Republican?!?!
    • See above.
  • Michelle Bachman:  Representative from Minnesota.
    • Will split the Minnesota vote with T-Paw.
    • She's bat shit crazy.
  • Sarah Palin:  Half term governor of Alaska, former VP candidate.
    • Fued with Katie Couric has consumed her efforts for the past three years.
    • No time to devote any time to improving on her negatives because she is still reading "all of the magazines."
  • Mitt Romney:  Former governor of Massachusetts.
    • His health care plan in Massachusetts is what Obamacare is modeled after.
    • That should be enough to kill his chances in the Republican primary.  Really.
  • Rudy Guilianni:  Former mayor of NYC.
    • 9/11 was 10 years ago.
    • He's a decade behind the times.